Pytest parametrization — passing multiple data-items to a single test

& (verbiage overflow)Wed 11 March 2015RSS

The problem: I have a single test function that I want to run many times on different data. I don't want to just get a single pass/fail result — I want to see whether each item of data makes the test pass or fail individually. But I also don't want to write a whole bunch of nearly identical tests, with only the data changing each time.

The solution: "parametrization" in the Pytest tool. Parametrization means defining parameters that will populate your function-arguments.

Define an iterable (here called the_iterable) containing the multiple items each of which you want passed to your test functions. Both it and a string containing an argument name (here called argument_name) are passed to a decorator called on any test function (here called test_name).

import pytest

the_iterable = ['sequence', 'of', 'items', 'etc.'] # Etc.

@pytest.mark.parametrize('argument_name', the_iterable)
def test_name(argument_name):
    # Code here makes use of each item of `the_iterable` in turn, passed
    # in as `argument_name`.

The names the_iterable, argument_name, and test_name are dummies that you can change to whatever you want, although the name of the function has to start with test_ in order for Pytest to discover it.

You don't need to iterate manually through the_iterable or summon specific indices of it, as the_iterable[0], etc. Pytest will handle that. Pytest will iterate through the_iterable and assign each of its elements, in turn, to the target variable argument_name. It will call your test function test_name on that argument over and over again, with the argument representing each of the elements of the_iterable in turn, and report the results to you one by one.

Run from the command line as



  1. can contain as many test-functions as you like, and each can be decorated with pytest.mark.parametrize if needed.
  2. Pytest normally runs all tests in sequence even if some fail. If you want Pytest to stop on the first failing test, use option -x.
  3. To see which arguments are passed into each test, use option -v. Unless the arguments are strings, numbers, or booleans, they will probably appear as automatically generated id-names — to include an identifying string for each data item, do so using the keyword-argument ids:
        ids=['list', 'of', 'id-names'])
def test_name(argument_name):

argument_name can also contain multiple arguments, comma-separated, if your test function takes multiple arguments (and if the_iterable contains tuples). For instance

the_iterable = [('sequence', 56), ('of', 3), ('items', 0)] # Etc.

@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg1, arg2', the_iterable)
def test_name(arg1, arg2):
    # Code here makes use of each tuple `(arg1, arg2)` in turn.

I have used this pattern to pass in 2-tuples containing an external function to be called and a boolean describing whether the external function is expected to return True or False. (A more official way of marking specific test cases as "expected to fail" is with the pytest.mark.xfail() function, within the_iterable.)

If you want to see the actual data passed into each iteration of the test function, use the pytest.fixture decorator, with the params keyword:

@pytest.fixture(params=['sequence', 'of', 'items', 'etc.']) # Etc.
def test_name(argument_name):
    # Code here makes use of each item of `params` in turn, passed
    # in as `argument_name`.

Note that the first decorator example above is shorthand for the following:

def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
    if 'argument_name' in metafunc.fixturenames:
        metafunc.parametrize("argument_name", the_iterable)

def test_name(argument_name):
    # Code here makes use of each item of `the_iterable` in turn, passed
    # in as `argument_name`.

Here are links to more details on Pytest parametrization and examples.


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