Python decorators for object-oriented method behaviors

& (verbiage overflow)Tue 15 November 2016RSS

Python supplies special decorators for a number of tools common in object-oriented programming. Their functionality is implemented as ordinary built-in functions, but they are made available as decorators for easier application.

Below I first list them and then discuss them one by one under numbered headings.

Functionality for restricting access to a property (attribute) of a class:

Functionality for methods of a class:

  1. Making a method “static” — available whether its class has been instantiated or not:

    • as function: staticmethod(function)
    • as decorator: @staticmethod
  2. Making a method “abstract” — available only for subclassing.

    • as function: abc.abstractmethod(funcobj)
    • as decorator: @abc.abstractmethod

Functionality to modify attributes of a class, to take effect in all future instantiations:

(A decorator appears on the line before before a function definition, as seen in the examples below. It seems at first to modify that function. In reality, the decorator incorporates the function into some other piece of code, built-in or otherwise, behind the scenes.)

1. Python public and private methods

The “dunder” (double underscore, __) prefix prevents access to attributes, except through the accessors @property, @attr.setter, and @attr.deleter.

class C():
    def __init__(self):
        self.__attr = 0

    @property              # This is a "getter", though not so named explicitly.
    def attr(self):
        """The doc-string for the whole property goes here."""
        return self.__attr

    def attr(self, value):
        self.__attr = value

    def attr(self):
        del self.__attr

The @property decorator is always required here, even if some of the others are omitted. It allows a docstring to be associated with the whole property attr. Technically, @property subsumes the function of @attr.getter, although the two can be used separately:

class C():
    def __init__(self):
        self.__attr = 0

    def attr(self):
        """Supply getter functionally for property "attr"."""
        return None

    def attr(self):
        return self.__attr

Some examples:

>>> f = C()                           # Instantiate the object, to begin.

>>> f.__attr                          # Not directly accessible.
AttributeError: 'C' object has no attribute '__attr'

>>> '__attr' in f.__dir__()           # Not listed by __dir__()

>>> f.__getattribute__('__attr')      # Not listed by __getattribute__()
AttributeError: 'C' object has no attribute '__attr'

>>> f.attr                            # Accessible by the implemented getter.

>>> f.attr = 'Presto'                 # Can be set by the implemented setter.

>>> f.attr

>>> f.__attr = 'Tricky?'              # Can we set it explicitly?

>>> f.attr                            # No. By doing that we have created a
'Presto'                              #   new and different attribute.
>>> f.__attr                          #   The dunder is a part of that 
'Tricky?'                             #   attribute's name.

>>> f = C()                           # Let's start again, so we can test del.

>>> del f.__attr                      # Not directly delible.
AttributeError: __attr

>>> del f.attr                        # Delete f.attr
>>> f.attr                            # Now it's gone.
AttributeError: 'C' object has no attribute '_C__attr'

(Actually, there is a way to access a “private” property while circumventing the @property functionality. Let’s use i to represent the instance name, cls the class name, and a the private attribute name. The private property can be read and assigned directly using the form i._cls__a.)

2. Static vs. class vs. abstract methods

2a. Bound instance methods are the default

Examples here are for Python 3; Python 2 behaves somewhat differently.

Methods are functions that are “bound” by default in Python 3: they are normally called on an instance of the class in which they are defined. That instance may be assigned to a variable:

class Example:
    def default(self):
        return '子程式'

>>> e = Example()
>>> e.default()

Or the class may be instantiated on the fly, by instantiating Example (as Example()) but not assigning it to a persistent variable.

>>> Example().default()

We can show that default is bound to a particular instance in either case, because we can ask for that instance’s memory location using the __self__ attribute:

>>> Example().default.__self__
<__main__.Example at 0x10c0ce588>

>>> e.default.__self__
<__main__.Example at 0x10c073780>

But it can’t be called on the uninstantiated class itself — here, Example without ():

>>> Example.default()
TypeError: default() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'

Here, when the interpreter says it requires the argument self it means it needs a particular instance of Example in order to call default on. It needs an instance because default was defined with self as its first parameter. But there is no such instance:

>>> Example.default.__self__
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute '__self__'

2b. Static methods: methods without an instance

To call a method without having to have an instance, use the @staticmethod decorator, and omit the self argument:

class Example:
    def static():                       # Note: no "self" argument
        return 'no instance required'

    def default(self):                  # Note: "self" argument present
        return 'instance definitely required'

>>> Example.static()
'no instance required'

>>> Example.default()
AttributeError: type object 'Example' has no attribute 'default'

In Python 3, a static method can be called on the class itself or on an instance. If you simply omit self, the method can be called on the class. Though, it cannot be called on an instance — self represents that instance itself.

class Example:
    def default():                      # Note: no "self" argument
        return 'can be called on class but not on instance'

    def default2(self):                 # Note: "self" argument present
        return 'can be called on instance but not on class'

    def default3():                     # Note: no "self" argument
        return 'can be called on class or instance'

Here are examples called on an uninstantiated class Example itself:

>>> Example.default()
'can be called on class but not on instance'

>>> Example.default2()
TypeError: default2() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'

>>> Example.default3()
'can be called on class or instance'

And here are examples called on an instance of the class, created non-persistently with Example():

>>> Example().default()
TypeError: default() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given

>>> Example().default2()
'can be called on instance but not on class'

>>> Example().default3()
'can be called on class or instance'

(Note: In Python 2, Example.default() and Example.default2() are not allowed — an instance method must have that instance passed to it. Example.default() can’t receive the instance because has no self parameter at all, and Example.default2() has self but no instance is being passed to it.)

2c. Class method: method called on a class itself, without instances

This differs from a regular method that has no self parameter: it must have a cls parameter, which refers to the class itself, not the method.

This parameter can be used to access attributes of the class and modify them for all future instantiations:

class Example:
    x = 'original'

    def sample(self):
        """Output the instance and the attribute x, as found."""
        print('instance: {}, x: {}'. format(self, self.x))

    def class_method(cls, x=None):
        """Modify the class attribute x."""
        cls.x = x
        print('x: {}'.format(cls.x))

>>> Example().sample()    # first instantiation
'instance: <__main__.Example object at 0x10c1605f8>, x: original'

>>> Example().sample()    # second instantiation
'instance: <__main__.Example object at 0x10c1591d0>, x: original'

>>> Example().sample()    # third instantiation
'instance: <__main__.Example object at 0x10c159320>, x: original'

>>> Example.class_method('changed by user')
'x: changed by user'

>>> Example().sample()    # fourth instantiation; attribute changed!
'instance: <__main__.Example object at 0x10c159400>, x: changed by user'

Without this cls parameter, a class method does not seem to be callable at all:

class Example:
    def class_method(cls):
        return 'cls: {}'.format(cls)

    def uncallable():
        return 'cannot be called'

>>> Example.class_method()
"cls: <class '__main__.Example'>"

>>> Example().class_method()
"cls: <class '__main__.Example'>"

>>> Example.uncallable()
TypeError: uncallable() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given

>>> Example().uncallable()
TypeError: uncallable() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given

2d. Abstract method: leave implementation for creation or modification only by inheritance

A method can be prepared for future implementation implicitly using pass or return as the dummy body, or explicitly using @abc.abstractmethod. Explicitly declaring a method to be abstract means that it cannot be called directly, and a class that contains only abstract methods cannot be instantiated at all, although it can be subclassed.

An explicit abstract method requires you to import the abc module and specify a special argument metaclass=abc.ABCMeta in the class definition:

import abc

class C(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    def an_abstract_method(self):

Even with the @abc.abstractmethod decorator, some sort of nominal body seems to be needed in the method: a docstring or pass, for instance:

class C(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    def an_abstract_method(self):
        """(dummy docstring)"""

The decorators @classmethod and @abc.abstractmethod can be composed, in order to create an abstract class method. @classmethod is applied after @abc.abstractmethod — in other words, @classmethod appears before @abc.abstractmethod:

import abc

class C(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    def abstract_class_method(cls):
        """(dummy docstring)"""


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All prior articles

  1. Pytest parametrization — passing multiple data-items to a single test